Read the latest about Siding, Windows, and Shell Construction in Florida

Simonton StormBreaker Plus Windows

Stand Up to Hurricane Season With Holeman-Installed Simonton StormBreaker Plus Windows   Tropical storms and other severe weather are stressful events. When winds hit triple digits, your only concern should be ensuring your family is out of harm’s way. You don’t...

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Ultimate South Florida Guide to Window Styles

Finding the Perfect Match for Your Home's Aesthetic and Functionality Your home’s windows fill a variety of critical roles that add value to the South Florida lifestyle. In a region blessed with gorgeous sunsets and vibrant neighborhood activities, windows serve as...

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Best siding color schemes for South Florida Homes

Balmy weather, expansive coastlines, and plenty of sea breezes and salt air give South Florida’s residents a unique lifestyle. Part antebellum Dixie, part laidback Caribbean, and part sophisticated urban sensibility, South Florida are at times vibrant, subdued, and...

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Getting the Best Return on Exterior Home Renovations

There are two main reasons for renovating your home:1. To make it a more enjoyable/safe/efficient place to live;2. To increase its value or same money over the long haul. Both are great motivating factors, but not all home improvement projects can satisfy both goals....

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Superior Coverage for Gulf Coast Homes

Versatile James Hardie Siding: Superior Coverage for Gulf Coast Homes Intense heat, suffocating humidity, corrosive salt winds, and the annual threat of hurricanes. Homes on Florida’s Gulf Coast face these challenges and more in their quest to keep your family and...

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