Energy-Efficient Windows: Beat the South Florida Heat and Save on Cooling Costs

Even the paradise of South Florida isn’t perfect. There’s a price to pay for endless beaches, blue skies, and bracing salt air. Summer’s scorching sun and relentless humidity can turn your Palm Beach hacienda or Cape Coral colonial into a sauna. Keeping cool and taming air conditioning bills becomes a constant battle.

Thankfully, there’s a way to fight back and save money.

Holeman, Inc. is South Florida’s trusted source for energy-efficient windows. A game-changer for Florida homeowners, we only install windows that are designed for our unique climate. Precise installation ensures your replacement windows and doors keep precious AC indoors and the blistering heat out. Energy-efficient windows reduce the strain on your HVAC system, extending its lifespan, ensuring consistent, house-wide comfort, and blocking ultraviolet rays that cause your furniture and interiors to fade.

The Florida Building Code requires homes located in high-wind areas within one mile of the coast to be fitted with impact-resistant windows or protected windows but considering South Florida’s year-round heat and the potential for extreme weather events, investing in energy-efficient windows is a smart decision for any homeowner.

Window Wins

Upgrading from standard single- or double-pane windows to energy-efficient models minimizes heat transfer between your home and the outdoor environment, so it stays cool during South Florida’s 10-month summers and comfortably warm in December and January. , keeping cool air inside during the hot summer months and warm air inside during the occasional cold winter days. By maintaining a more stable indoor temperature, these windows reduce the strain on your home’s heating and cooling systems, resulting in lower energy consumption and utility bills. In fact, homeowners can expect to see a remarkable 30 to 60 percent reduction in their electrical bills after installing energy-efficient windows throughout their homes.

Energy-efficient windows also contribute to the environmentally friendly lifestyle conducive to the South Florida vibe. By reducing energy consumption, these windows help decrease the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, thereby minimizing your home’s carbon footprint.


Fenestration Factors

When selecting energy-efficient windows for your South Florida home, it is essential to consider styles that allow for healthy airflow. Casement windows, which open outward, and horizontal roller windows, ideal for larger openings and patio areas, are excellent choices. With these window styles, you can create natural ventilation during pleasant weather, further reducing your reliance on air conditioning and lowering energy costs.
Here are the most critical factors to consider when opting for energy-efficient windows in South Florida:

    • Frame Material – The frame material you select significantly impacts your windows’ energy efficiency and durability in South Florida’s demanding climate. Vinyl is divine for framing South Florida’s replacement windows. Constructed of hardy PVC, it’s a natural insulator. Naturally resistant to moisture, corrosion, and bugs, it’s the top choice for humid regions in coastal and central Florida. It comes in a variety of colors to match or complement your home’s décor.

      The only other viable option is aluminum framing. Its strength is attractive given the region’s extreme weather, especially if you prefer large picture or bay windows. Aluminum conducts heat more readily than vinyl, however, potentially negating some of the benefits that come from energy-efficient glass.

      Wood is a poor framing choice for these parts because of its tendency to absorb water and swell and contract as temperatures fluctuate. Wood and steel frames conduct heat too easily to be viable options in South Florida, and they cost more to install, maintain, and repair.
    • Glass Issues – The glass package you select significantly impacts your windows’ energy performance. South Florida’s heat demands double-pane or triple-pane windows. These windows feature multiple inert gas fills, typically argon, which acts as a powerful insulator between the panes.

      Look for windows with a low-emissivity coating applied to the glass surface. This invisible layer reflects infrared and ultraviolet heat rays trying to enter your home, keeping it cooler.  Low-solar-gain coatings offer the highest level of heat rejection. For extra savings on utility bills, choose windows that boast the ENERGY STAR® label for our southern climate zone. Look for a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.25 or lower and a U-Factor of 0.40 or lower for the whole window unit.
    • Hinging and Operation – How your windows open also plays a key role in how much energy they can conserve. But a variety of styles and technologies means energy-efficient windows can still be stylish:
      • Double-hung windows remain a popular choice for their versatility and ease of cleaning. However, their sliding sashes can create small air gaps that might impact energy performance.
      • Single-hung windows are less versatile than double-hung windows, since only the lower sash moves while the upper stays fixed. However, they present the most budget-friendly option and may offer slightly better energy performance than double-hung windows due to fewer potential air gaps.
      • Casement windows offer excellent air circulation and a very tight seal when closed, making them a strong contender for any replacement project. They also provide unobstructed views. Combining casement windows with fixed picture windows allows for ventilation and a larger viewing area while maintaining a high level of energy efficiency.
      • Awning windows are hinged at the top and open outward, helping them capture breezes while serving as a rain canopy for the window opening offering protection from rain. Their tight seal contributes to good energy performance.

Getting the Most from Your Windows 

As a South Florida homeowner, you may have installed hurricane shutters or taken other steps to protect your home from sudden damage. But you may not have considered the impact your windows have on your home’s longevity, comfort, and lifetime operating costs. You know that your home is constantly exposed to the heat and humidity. Over time, window glass can degrade, losing its insulation properties and ability to prevent condensation. Additionally, seals can shrink and warp, allowing air to enter your home, and making it harder to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. If you’ve noticed a gradual or sudden increase in your heating and cooling bills, it might be time to consider replacing your old windows with energy-efficient impact glass. 

If so, you would only trust an experienced, local window and door contractor to install your new energy-efficient windows. The pros at Holeman, Inc. are state-certified, fully bonded and insured, and highly trained to deliver the quality workmanship and customer service you deserve.

Our team is standing by to ensure that your new energy-efficient windows deliver all their promised benefits. We are eager to show off our design options and how our impact glass windows and doors can save you money while transforming your home into a showpiece. Local know-how and manufacture-certified processes are especially important when it comes to replacement windows. Your home’s window frames may have shifted or deteriorated over time, requiring a repertoire of skills and techniques to ensure a snug fit.

We invite you to compare our prices, service, customer reviews, and Better Business Bureau rating. We’re confident you’ll decide to trust Holeman for your energy-efficient window needs. Contact us for a consultation and estimate.