Sun Solutions UV-Blocking Windows for Your South Florida Home

Living in South Florida comes with its fair share of rewards. But while the year-round sunshine supports beautiful beaches, abundant recreation, and a vibrant cultural scene, it also contains a stealthy hazard: ultraviolet rays. These invisible rays infiltrate your home, they can not only wreak havoc on your furniture, flooring, and wall art, but they also pose a very real health threat. 

If you live in or near the perimeter of Naples, Sarasota, Sebastian, and Biscayne Bay, it’s crucial to take definite steps to protect your family and your home from the harmful effects of UV light. UV-blocking windows offer an easy and effective solution.

Understanding UV

Humans can see a visible light spectrum spanning from red to violet (think rainbows and Pink Floyd album covers). But other rays exist; we just can’t see them. Light with wavelengths longer than red is called infrared. Those with wavelengths shorter than violet are ultraviolet. The sun emits three forms of UV radiation:

  • UVC is mostly filtered by the earth’s ozone layer and never reaches the surface. What does make it down here is too weak to penetrate even plain window glass
  • The ozone also traps most UVB radiation. Only about 5% of the ultraviolet light that gets through is UVB, but it packs a punch.
  • UVA slips right through the atmosphere, however. Representing 95 percent of the ultraviolet photons that bombard our bodies and abode.

Both UVA and UVB rays can cause skin cancer through prolonged exposure. UVA penetrates deep into the skin, also contributing to premature aging and wrinkles. UVB has a greater effect on the skin’s surface and DNA, leading to sunburn as well as potential melanoma. The Environmental Protection Agency notes that “UV exposure and sunburns, particularly during childhood, are risk factors” for melanoma. While melanoma causes only 3% of skin cancers, it is responsible for 75% of the deaths from the disease.

South Florida residents run a higher risk of UV damage to their bodies, homes, and possessions due to several factors:

  1. We’re close to the equator, so the sun’s beams hit us more directly than in most of the country.
  2. Plentiful clear days mean the sun often beats down unimpeded by cloud cover.
  3. White sands and glassy seas reflect much of the sunlight, giving it a second chance to hit us.

Given these factors, it is crucial for South Florida homeowners to take proactive measures to protect their health and homes from the damaging effects of UV radiation.


Ultra Protection with UV-Blocking Windows

UV-blocking windows offer an effective solution to mitigate these risks and create a safer, more comfortable living environment.

UV-blocking windows are specially designed to filter out a sizable portion of the sun’s harmful UV rays, while still allowing natural light to enter your home. There are several types of UV-blocking glass, each with distinctive benefits:

  • Low-E – Low-emissivity windows are a popular choice for homeowners in this region chiefly because of their invisible coating. This microscopic layer reflects solar heat and UV rays while allowing visible light to pass through. By selectively filtering the sun’s rays, Low-E windows significantly reduce heat gain inside your home. This translates to lower air conditioning bills and a more comfortable living environment. Studies suggest that low-e windows can contribute to energy savings of up to 40%, depending on window specifications. Low-E windows are great for any South Florida home but maximize their advantage in locations that receive lots of direct sunlight due to numerous or large south-facing windows. Low-e windows typically have a higher upfront cost compared to regular windows, so budget-conscious homeowners may prefer another option.
  • Lamination– Consisting of two or more layers of glass bonded together with a strong, transparent interlayer of polyvinyl butyral, laminated windows are significantly more resistant to impact than traditional glass. This is no minor consideration here in Hurricane Central. The internal layer not only makes the glass less likely to break, but it also holds the shards together when it does shatter, protecting your family from flying fragments. The PVB interlayer typically blocks around 90% of UVB rays, however, its effectiveness against UVA rays is lower. Some manufacturers, though, use enhanced PVB that blocks as much as 99% UVA. Laminated glass windows also make it difficult for intruders to break in and provide a buffer against noise pollution. Lamination costs less than low-e, but it does filter a portion of the visible spectrum, so if maximizing natural light is a priority, consider another option.
  • Tint– Tinted glass is engineered with a special coating that absorbs and reflects UV radiation, preventing it from penetrating through windows. Its solar control properties reduce heat gain, contributing to lower cooling costs. Acting like sunglasses for your home, the tint diminishes glare and enhances indoor comfort, making spaces more livable and reducing eyestrain when working or relaxing indoors. Tinted glass is particularly beneficial for homes with large windows or expansive glass doors that face direct sunlight from the south, west, or directly above through skylights and other architectural features that might otherwise let in too much solar heat. A potential drawback, is that tinted windows darken and distort the view of the outside world, casting it in bronze, blue, or whatever color tint is used.
  • Reflectivity – Commonly seen on commercial buildings and glass-windowed high-rises for their aesthetic and cooling benefits, these windows are coated with a thin layer of metallic material that reflects a big chunk of solar radiation. They can often reject 99% of the sun’s UV rays. The reflective coating dramatically reduces heat gain, as well. Reflective windows are particularly beneficial for homes with large glass surfaces like picture windows and sunrooms that face direct sunlight, such as sunrooms, patios, and west or south-facing windows. The surface makes the edge of direct lighting, reading, computing, and watching TV more enjoyable while adding a degree of daytime privacy by limiting visibility from the outside without obstructing the view from within. That level of privacy disappears at night when internal lighting is switched on. Homeowners opting for reflective windows may also need to invest in shades or curtains to thwart prying eyes.
  • Film – A cost-effective and versatile solution for adding UV protection to your South Florida home, films are thin coatings that adhere directly to your existing windows, providing a range of benefits without the need for window replacement. Window film comes in a variety of types, each offering a different level of UV protection. Standard UV-blocking film offers moderate protection, typically stopping around 90% of UVB rays and a smaller percentage of UVA rays. High performance can bound 99% of both UVA and UVB rays. Some offer decorative designs and textures, as well. While they are easy to install and can be removed at will, there’s a reason films are the most affordable type of UV protection. They are not permanent solutions and may even peel in the South Florida heat. Not only does this minimize their effectiveness, but it also gives the windows a cheap appearance.

Holeman, Inc. works with only the most reliable window manufacturers. As a born-and-bred South Florida business, we will not allow our customers to replace their windows with anything less than quality windows. We highly recommend low-e impact windows that not only keep UV light at bay but provide state-of-the-art protection against severe weather.

We understand the importance of safeguarding your South Florida home from the sun’s harsh rays. That’s why we offer expert window installation services to ensure your UV-blocking windows perform at their peak. Our certified technicians are trained in the latest installation techniques, guaranteeing a flawless fit that eliminates gaps and leaks – the silent saboteurs of UV protection.

We manage your windows with meticulous care, minimizing the risk of damage to any UV-blocking protections. Plus, our work is backed by a comprehensive warranty, providing you with total peace of mind. Don’t settle for anything less than the best protection for your home and family. Contact Holeman, Inc. today for a free consultation and quote. Let our expertise ensure your UV-blocking windows become a shield against the sun, not a source of frustration. Invest in quality, professional installation – your skin, furniture, and energy bills will thank you.

Contact Holeman to explore your energy-efficient windows options.